One of the main benefits of working with Next Brick Team is that you don’t have to worry about responding to tenants when they have questions, concerns, or complaints. We are here to take care of developing and maintaining a professional and respectful tenant relationship through open and transparent communications.
We are here 24/7 taking care of your tenants and property. it’s essential that the owner let a Next Brick Property Manager communicate with your tenants. It’s the only way to keep expectations and systems consistent. And, it will keep you out of potential legal issues.
The most important reason not to communicate with your tenants is that it could undermine the processes and procedures that Next Brick has in place. To effectively manage your home, our team has to follow systems. Your tenants have to follow those systems as well. If things begin to change, tenants are going to be confused, and it will be hard for us as property managers to hold them accountable. Next Brick establishes expectations for our tenants and is very clear about what they’re responsible for doing while renting your property.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions.